No Secrets – The 7 Fundamentals of Real Estate Investing Success
Secrets sell. That’s why late-night infomercials and hucksters of all kind pitch their snake oil as “new” or “little known” or “exclusive.”
But you know the truth.
Whether it’s a diet, an exercise routine, building wealth, or starting a business, there are no secrets.
There ARE subtle distinctions and key pieces of information you can pick up along the way. But, the core of success in any endeavor is an open book. It really comes down to this:
Mastery of the fundamentals
The fundamentals are the key skills or areas of competency mastered by the experts of a craft.
An excellent medical doctor trains on the fundamental processes of health, disease, and the human body.
An excellent carpenter becomes an expert with the tools of his trade and the processes of applying those tools.
In my YouTube video and podcast, I share what I think are the 7 fundamentals of successful real estate investing.
YouTube Video:
Podcast Episode:
But Aren’t Fundamentals the “Slow Path?”
This old school approach doesn’t mean you can’t have quick and incredible success, too. You can.
It’s just that if you want the quick and incredible, you have to work incredibly hard and study your craft with incredible intensity.
The main point here is that you reap what you sow. Only con men and criminals try to get around that principle (unsuccessfully in the big picture).
But it’s easy to get sucked into manipulative sales and marketing tactics by those who don’t have your best interest at heart. They usually tug on one of a few emotional levers, like:
- Exclusive information … i.e. secret, little known, expert-only information that will finally solve your problems
- Fear of loss … i.e. if you don’t get this information, you will lose
- Social comparison … i.e. so-and-so knows this information and look how much more successful he/she is than you
After you’re made to feel ignorant, afraid, and completely inadequate as a human being, hope is restored with the limited-time opportunity to buy an amazing product or service.
Gee, thanks.
At I’m trying to build something different.
I do love sharing helpful ideas here on my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel, but like your old favorite high school or little league coach, I don’t believe you need new information to become good enough.
Instead, I hope to remind you of the wisdom you already know. And I want to reinforce your desire to learn and your zeal to improve.
Coaches, teachers, and especially gurus don’t supply the magic. Playbooks and tactics, no matter how good or secret, don’t win the game. The heroes on the arena floor (that’s you!) either get it done or not.
So, the mission at is about you, the hero. I want to help you win with money and real estate investing, but to do that you must become better. Your growth and improvement as a person will be the foundation of your success as an entrepreneur and investor.
So, thank you for allowing me to play the role of a coach in a small or a big way in your game of real estate investing and wealth building.
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below
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